TADB 74: Controlled Flexibility

Recently I was sitting on our deck as a thunderstorm passed through Kansas City.  First the sky darkened followed by a gentle rain followed by gusting winds and heavier rain.  As I observed the trees in our backyard that had only recently leafed out, I saw in nature what I see in our culture.  The storms and winds of secularism, materialism, and relativism are blowing into our lives with increasing intensity.

Living as an exile in Babylon requires the wisdom of controlled flexibility.

Like God’s people in the Old Testament we find ourselves living as exiles in a Babylonian culture.  We are no longer living in a Jerusalem culture which is friendly to our values, beliefs, and practices.  The God followers of antiquity whether they were Jews living in a Hellenistic/Roman dominated world or early Gentile Christians living in a religiously pagan Roman Empire, faced a similar conundrum:  how to follow God and live in but not of the dominate culture.

Various groups at the time of Christ took different approaches:

  • Sadducees:  Sought accommodation by compromising
  • Pharisees:  Sought separation by criticizing
  • Zealots:  Sought liberation by confronting
  • Essenes:  Sought isolation by cocooning

What was beautiful about the trees in the storm was the way the branches would flex without breaking.  They would give way a little but always return to their original place.  Bend but not break.  In fact flexibility was a sign of health.  It was the dried up, brittle branches that broke and ended up on the ground.  How then do we bend but not capitulate, stand up without breaking, give way without giving in?

To live an effective counter-cultural life there is one thing more important than being right…being right with compassion.  Maybe there are times when we even give up the right of way.  Consider you are driving your car at an intersection when the light turns green.  You now have the right to proceed.  But you notice a car approaching from your left that is not slowing down.  Will it stop or not?  You are not sure, although you do have the right away legally, is this the time to demand your rights?

Paul when modeling for the Corinthians how to live counter-culturally, said that there were times when he gave up his rights for the sake of the gospel.  Paul demonstrated bending in 1 Corinthians 9.

                “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more.”

                …I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some.”

Daniel and his three friends give us another example of healthy trees growing strong in the storms of life.  They had the wisdom to negotiate regarding the king’s food but were uncompromising regarding the king’s edict to worship the image.  Daniel contributed to his culture but never lost his convictions.  He and his friends had the courage to stand in a fire or in a lion’s den when no other option was available.  They were convinced that God could deliver through or out of danger.  They had the “but if not” spirit which gave them controlled flexibility and an exceptional legacy.

Jesus gives a different model of counter-cultural living.  He didn’t fit into any of the four models listed earlier.  In some ways he was unpredictable.  When his disciples thought He would be inflexible, he would bend.  When they expected Him to isolate, He would embrace.  When they thought He would fight, he surrendered.  When they expected Him to condemn, He would accept.  He was nothing like what they expected, ….confusing at times but always effective. 

The current storms of gender confusion, conspicuous consumption, civil incivility, and selective intolerance will test our controlled flexibility.  The way to bend yet remain strong will demand a vibrant consistent walk with Christ in the power of His Holy Spirit.  As the landscape changes and we face new storms, we will need fresh manna from God and ears to discern the voice of the Shepherd as He says, “This is the way, walk in it.”   To “wait upon the Lord” is not passive or effortless.  It requires focused intentionality to stay daily in communication with the Christ who is never surprised, threatened, or confused by the storms. 

For Reflection

1.  What are some other examples from Scripture of controlled flexibility?

2.  What is a current example in your life where you need to apply the principle of controlled flexibility?

6 thoughts on “TADB 74: Controlled Flexibility”

  1. Thanks, Ron. This is a real encouragement and I think Godly way of thinking about this time in our country and in our lives. I like aiming to keep flexible on how I respond and keeping people guessing and yet being a clear messager of my faith. Thinking of this in the rather traditional church I have been attending and my family as well as neighborhood women who do not share my values. This is good vision for all, but especially for Encore staff.

  2. Thanks, Ron. Great insights into relating to a crazy, confusing culture.

  3. I appreciate your thoughts! We have a transgender person just starting riding lessons here & I am depending on God to help me be loving and communicate truth at the same time. He knows we are Christians since we share Scripture as a part of each lesson. I am a bit overwhelmed in this particular storm and a part of me just wants to go along with culture & ignore the big issue in front of me. If you have any more words of wisdom I would love to hear them. How I want to be an Essene and just isolate!

  4. Thanks for this good word, Ron, especially in view of our current events and current culture!

  5. I think this is the most effective presentation I’ve seen yet on encouraging Christ followers amidst today’s challenges in our communities, nation and our world. Abiding in Christ, always connected to Him is the only way we can find the answers, as you so effectively articulated 🙂 Thanks, Ron!

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